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Records of Led Zeppelin

overviewpopular tracks
Artist Record Year Power Played Added Last Played
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I 1969 4.0 13 2014-10-22 2018-02-06
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II 1969 3.1 10 2014-10-22 2014-11-28
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 1970 3.0 6 2014-10-22 2022-06-09
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV 1971 7.0 13 2014-10-22 2022-06-19
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy 1973 3.0 5 2014-10-22 2022-04-10
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti 1975 3.0 8 2014-10-22 2022-09-28
Led Zeppelin Presence 1976 0.0 0 2014-10-22 Never
Led Zeppelin In Through The Out Door 1979 1.0 2 2014-10-22 2014-11-30
Led Zeppelin Coda 1982 0.0 0 2014-10-22 Never
Led Zeppelin Encomium - A Tribute To Led Zeppelin 1995 1.0 1 2011-05-02 2011-05-11
Kick Out The JAMS! Aulismedia Music Library 2023.04.15 "Soul With Me" © Sergey Mishenev 2003-2024